Vital Statistics
Thermometers & Probe Covers
Oral Thermometers
Our wide variety of oral thermometers offer fast, accurate temperature readings. Also...
Ear Thermometers
These tympanic thermometers use infrared radiation from the inner ear for accurate...
Forehead/Temple Touch
These contact forehead and temple thermometers read and monitor energy radiating from...
Non-contact Thermometers
Non-contact thermometers allow for accurate temperature measurement without physical contact, ensuring hygiene...
Stethoscopes & Blood Pressure
Choose from a number of different styles and colors of stethoscopes to...
BP Combo Kits
In a convenient storage pouch, each of these blood pressure kits includes...
Wrist Monitors
A wrist blood pressure monitor offers a compact and easy-to-use option for...
Otoscopes, Ophthalmoscopes & Vital Signs Systems
Diagnostic Sets
These diagnostic sets include otoscopes and ophthalmoscopes. Also here you will find...
Wall & Mobile Vital Signs Systems
Essential diagnostic tools such as blood pressure and thermometry easily within reach....
Scales & Measuring
Seca Scales
Seca scales have been used in clinics, medical practices and health care...
Detecto Scales
Detecto's industry-leading scales are used every day in the medical profession to...
Heath o meter Scales
Health o meter Professional provides the medical community with high quality, innovative...
Stadiometers & Height Rods
Quickly and accurately measure someone's height with these helpful tools.
Bodily Measurements
These products offer ways to measure and assess the body size and...