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Germs Are Not For Sharing

Germs Are Not For Sharing

Sneezes, coughs, runny noses and spills are facts of everyday life, especially for children. This paperback book helps children understand what germs are and what they can do to prevent them from spreading.

What are too small to see but have the power to make us sick? GERMS! They’re in the air, in food and water, on our bodies and on all things we touch, and they’re definitely not for sharing. Written for ages 4-7, made to be read aloud, this book is for sharing in childcare, preschool, home and everywhere children live, learn and play. This book has simple words and colorful illustrations that teach children when, why and how to wash their hands and keep germs from spreading! Paperback. Copyright 2006, 40 pages.

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Item #:96053

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