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GlitterBug Potion (8 oz)

GlitterBug Potion (8 oz)

(8 oz Bottle) Rub the GlitterBug Potion on students hands and after handwashing have students place hands under UVA light to see where "germs" are still lurking. The potion is formualated form a UV fluorescent powder mixed in a special hand lotion to show students the importance of good handwashing techniques. Over 200 applications per bottle.

GlitterBug handwashing products are a clever invention that helps students visualize where the germs lurk and how to avoid them. As the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) stated, "handwashing is the single most important means for preventing the spread of infection," it is imperative that all students learn good handwashing techniques.
Use GlitterBug potion for testing students handwashing techniques and use GlitterBug powder to show where germs can be found on objects we touch. Under the UVA GlowBar lamp the UV fluorescent particles will be illuminated to show students how important it is to have good handwashing techniques.


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Item #:60103

Regular price $19.50
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