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PDI Sani-Hands Instant Hand Sanitizing Wipes - Medium (135-ct)

PDI Sani-Hands Instant Hand Sanitizing Wipes - Medium (135-ct)

Medium - 6” x 7 1/2” (135 Wipes per Tub) These antimicrobial, alcohol gel wipes clean and sanitize hands when soap and water are not available.

Sani-Hands Instant Hand Sanitizing Wipes remove soil and bacteria and kill 99.99% of germs. They contain an alcohol based formula as recommended by the CDC for hand hygiene. In a clinical study, Sani-Hands exceeded performance criteria defined in the 1994 FDA Tentative Final Monograph. The performance is enhanced by the physical removal of soil and bacteria by the wipe, a function that rub-in alcohol-based handwashes alone cannot accomplish.


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Item #:16325

Regular price $8.19
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